Implement a population
health program in
atrial fibrillation

At a glance

In this whitepaper, we address some of the big question in atrial fibrillation screening:

How can digital health innovations be made available to the people who need them most, and secondly, without posing a significant burden on health care systems?

Download our whitepaper to dive deeper.

From the whitepaper



Estimated prevalence of AF in Europe today.

~ 1 / 3

Experiences AF with mild or no symptoms

Of people 50+ do not think technology is designed for them


Table of contents

01 Atrial fibrillation

The growing epidemic

Atrial fibrillation detection is stroke prevention

The massive need for screening

Opportunistic screening by pulse palpation

Elevated atrial fibrillation risk factors

Care guidelines & recommendations

02 Technologies

Reliability achieved at scale

The affordability challenge

Overcoming accessibility and scalability problems

Technologies for screening cardiovascular conditions

Adoption & usability

Continuous vs spot measurements

03 Implementation

Building a successful population health program

Things to remember

Case example: Implementing a fully digital atrial fibrillation detection program

Estimating financial impacts in atrial fibrillation detection

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